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Planning Analytics Workspace installation FAQ


Question & Answer

Are you new to IBM Planning Analytics Workspace? Before you begin your Workspace installation, please read this FAQ:

What additional software is required when installing IBM Planning Analytics Workspace?

As of version 2.0.46, all software required for installing IBM Planning Analytics Workspace is bundled with the installation package when installing on Microsoft Windows or RHEL.

Are there any additional steps when installing on IBM Planning Analytics Workspace on CentOS?

As of 2.0.46, prerequisites need to be manually installed on CentOS - this should be addressed in a future version. Please refer to the installation documentation for additional installation requirements on CentOS.

Can I have IBM Planning Analytics running on a Microsoft Windows server and IBM Planning Analytics Workspace on a Linux server?

Yes. Please refer to the Software Compatibility Reports tool for supported environments.

Do I need to install IBM Planning Analytics Workspace in my IBM Planning Analytics environment?

You will need IBM Planning Analytics Workspace if you are going to use IBM Planning Analytics for Microsoft Excel. You will also need IBM Planning Analytics Workspace for monitoring of your environment, as Operations Console has been deprecated as of IBM Planning Analytics version 2.0.9. If you aren’t planning to use IBM Planning Analytics for Excel and prefer to monitor your environment using tm1top, IBM Planning Analytics Workspace is not required.

Do I need to purchase additional licenses to use IBM Planning Analytics Workspace?

The short answer is that you should speak to your account team. The longer answer is that additional licenses are required to use IBM Planning Analytics Workspace in a production environment. The longest answer is that IBM Planning Analytics Workspace can be installed and used in a development environment without additional licenses. IBM Planning Analytics Workspace is required to be installed if you are using IBM Planning Analytics for Excel but if you are only using IBM Planning Analytics for Excel in your production environment and not using the IBM Planning Analytics Workspace UI directly, additional licenses are not required. You can also use the monitoring functionality (IBM Planning Analytics Administration) within IBM Planning Analytics Workspace without incurring additional licensing costs in your production environment.

Can I install IBM Planning Analytics Workspace without Docker?

No. IBM Planning Analytics Workspace requires Docker.

When installing IBM Planning Analytics Workspace do I need internet connectivity?

As all prerequisites are bundled with IBM Planning Analytics Workspace version 2.0.46 and newer, you do not need internet connectivity when installing.

Which is the recommended antivirus for IBM Planning Analytics Workspace?

IBM Planning Analytics Workspace does not have specific antivirus requirements. However, since IBM Planning Analytics Workspace requires Docker, you should confirm with your antivirus vendor that it supports Docker.

Can I install IBM Planning Analytics Workspace on Microsoft Windows Server Core (no gui)

Yes. There are a few additional steps which can be found in this technote.

What are the recommend settings for DEP (Data Execution Prevention), which services should be excluded when installing IBM Planning Analytics Workspace?

There are no specific DEP settings required for IBM Planning Analytics Workspace.

How can I change the location of Docker images when installing IBM Planning Analytics Workspace?

Refer to the Installation Documentation for information on changing the location of Docker images.

Is it possible to set up IBM Planning Analytics Workspace for use with a reverse proxy?

Yes. IBM Planning Analytics Workspace will work with a reverse proxy with no additional configuration required on IBM Planning Analytics Workspace.

After operating system restart, will IBM Planning Analytics Workspace automatically start?

Yes. IBM Planning Analytics Workspace will start automatically after a server restart.

Can I install IBM Planning Analytics Workspace in a cloud environment?

Yes. IBM Planning Analytics Workspace can be installed in a cloud environment.

Are there any additional steps required after installing IBM Planning Analytics Workspace?

For installations on Microsoft Windows, there is an additional required step. A shutdown script needs to be added to ensure the MongoDB container shuts down cleanly when Microsoft Windows is restarted. This is NOT required on Linux. See here for detailed steps.

If I have problems during the installation, configuration and usage of IBM Planning Analytics Workspace, where do I find logs for troubleshooting?

This technote provides additional detail around logs and locations.

How do I configure IBM Planning Analytics Workspace to use TLS/SSL?

Please refer to this section of the installation documentation for TLS/SSL configuration.

Is there a video or webinar available that will walk me through the installation of

IBM Planning Analytics Workspace?

Yes, an on-demand webinar ‘How to install IBM Planning Analytics Workspace in 20 minutes’ is available here.


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